Showing 5 Result(s)


O.k. dobre dobre (to je skoro ako gutgut, chi chi), tak sem by sme dali nejaký text. Fajn. Nebude ho veľa, aby si na ňom niekto nezlomil mozog. Musíme tak, s mierou. Teraz sem vložím galériu obrázkov a uvidíme, čo sa bude diať… Vložil som galériu, presunul do nej obrázky rovnakých rozmerov (1300×650 bodov) a …

Care Pro Lidi

Over the last ten odd years I’ve had the pleasure of working with some great companies, working side by side to design and develop new apps and improve upon existing products. I mainly focus on designing clear, understandable interfaces and creating a goal oriented user experience through iteration and prototyping. I know… it sounds very …

Nočná prechádzka

Over the last ten odd years I’ve had the pleasure of working with some great companies, working side by side to design and develop new apps and improve upon existing products. I mainly focus on designing clear, understandable interfaces and creating a goal oriented user experience through iteration and prototyping. I know… it sounds very …


Kniha Fo(s)ter írskej autorky Claire Keegan vyšla vo vydavateľstve ArtForum s mojimi pôvodnými ilustráciami v roku 2013.